Kids For Sale  

Friday, September 19, 2008

So you would think having 2 kids 10 years apart they would not have much to fight about. Well you like me would be thinking wrong. They fight constantly and to be perfectly honest the 14 year old is sometimes more immature then the 4 year old. She teases him about crying and picks on him constantly. He whispers things like jerk and jackass(yeah I am so proud) in her ear so we can't hear then she starts yelling about what he is saying. I did not think that sibling rivalry would be an issue with so many years between them. Once again I thought wrong. Ralphie had issues with a rare birth defect that was found when he started turning blue at 9 months. He spent a month in the hospital and was in and out for the next 2 years after. I think Riss felt misplaced because so much focus was on him.
I spent 600.00 on her for school clothes and 200.00 on him. Well he got more stuff cause well he doesn't care where his clothes come from and Old Navy is cheaper then Aeropostale and American Eagle. She doesn't care to hear that but said that of course we got him more stuff.
I knew that the chance of them being really close was slim because of the age difference but I also didn't expect them to fight 24-7. I would love to do more things with her but she isn't really into to hanging with her Mom at this point and Ralphie still think I am the shit:) We lost twins in between Rissa & Ralphie and I wonder if they had a sibling closer in age they would fight less. As it is I have 2 only children and sometimes that just sucks!

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