My name is Ralphie
Thursday, September 25, 2008
When I was growing up and playing with dolls I never named any of them Ralph nor did I ever think I would name my child Ralph. So it is just my luck to have found a Ralph the 3rd and fell in love. Of course when I found out I was pregnant with Ralphie the issue came up again if he was a boy we would have to continue the family name. Jim is the only male in his family. Now mind you 2 living people and 1 dead person shared this name, yet not a damn one went by it. So I insisted that if I had to name my child Ralph.....Ralph he would be. When I I met Ralphie after he was born, the name just suited him. He looks like a Ralphie, not a Ralph quite yet but a Ralphie. Everyone wants to call him R.J. which are his 1st 2 initials. It just sounds so much bigger then my Ralphie. This all leads me to the point of this post. Ralphie cried at preschool the other day because the teacher called him Ralph. He would not tell them why he was upset but let us know the minute he got into the car. We asked him what he wants to be called. He said"My name is Ralphie". Indeed it is
Ps. I don't write much about She who screams alot well because she can read and I do not want to embarrass her, she also won't let me take many pictures of her. I just LOVE teenagers!
September 26, 2008 at 2:15 PM
You need to set the teacher straight! Geez. He is Ralphie and that's who he is.
And does the boy have the most awesome eyelashes or what?
September 26, 2008 at 3:18 PM
I know his lashes are totally wasted on a boy. The little shit took this picture himself when he got my camera out of my closet LOL It's his self portrait if you will:)