Stay Off the Roads  

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Does this look like the face of a safe conscientious driver? I certainly hope so, since this child will be driving on a road near you pending the passing of her permit test. Never fear I will be right beside her supporting (read: freaking out and probably yelling) her and guiding her to good driving. God help us all.

You have been *warned*

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3 comments: to “ Stay Off the Roads

  • Mommy (You can call me OM)
    July 21, 2009 at 8:40 PM  

    Hi Nissa,

    I've been meaning to make my way over here and thank you for thinking of me. I don't know if you read my most recent post, but my TSH was 78.6 as of last Friday! I started with 100 mcg right after surgery, then 125 mcg in May, now 200 mcg.

    What are your daughter's levels right now and what have they been? How's she feeling?

  • Nissa
    July 24, 2009 at 12:33 PM  

    Hi OM,
    She is still sleeping quite a bit. I am going to draw her labs on Tuesday so I'll let you know. She has been on 100 mcg's for about 4 weeks now. I think she will probably have to go up again. WOW 78! That is crazy. You have been in my thoughts. I hope the 200 works for you. How are your energy levels? I will zip on over to your blog to check out your post.

  • Dirty Disher
    July 30, 2009 at 2:44 PM  

    LOL! Awwww, she's beautiful and she can get out of traffic tickets that way. Be sure and teach her that art.