Sometimes I love my job.....  

Sunday, August 2, 2009

<---------------This is a painting that was on the wall of a patient I was seeing. Now listen I am a nurse and think I am fairly evolved that a penis does not send me into a fit of girlish giggles. However my patient sat right in front of this painting so it appeared that this nekkid gentleman's penis was coming right out of my patients ear. I added the flowers since we are a family friendly website so you may have to use your imagination. I don't believe I heard much of what my patient had to say as I was trying to figure out what the hell the man in the painting was trying to do. Is he looking at his toenails? Stretching naked? Naked carpentry? I sent this picture to my friends and some of the suggestions were hilarious. I finally broke down and asked my patient the story behind the painting. It was very banal and I am sorry I asked. I preferred the stories my friends and I made up. What do you all think the man in the painting is doing?

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